Ahmad Photography: Blog https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog en-us (C) Ahmad Photography [email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:13:00 GMT Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:13:00 GMT https://www.ahmadphotography.com/img/s/v-12/u335473483-o295304339-50.jpg Ahmad Photography: Blog https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog 120 80 A drive in the Dolomites https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2023/9/a-drive-in-the-dolomites A drive in the Dolomites, Italy. 2018.


Dolomites - Italy DSCF9730Dolomites - Italy DSCF9730 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9729Dolomites - Italy DSCF9729 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9694Dolomites - Italy DSCF9694 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9681Dolomites - Italy DSCF9681 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9677Dolomites - Italy DSCF9677 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9673Dolomites - Italy DSCF9673 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9671Dolomites - Italy DSCF9671 Dolomites - Italy DSCF9652Dolomites - Italy DSCF9652

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Alps Dolomites Fuji X-E1 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2023/9/a-drive-in-the-dolomites Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:13:14 GMT
Florence Walkabout https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2023/8/florence-walkabout-2018 Posting after a lengthy hiatus. View from Santa Maria Novella, Duomo, and the Uffizi Palace. 2018.

Florence - Italy DSCF0025- LRFlorence - Italy DSCF0025- LRSanta Maria Novella Santa Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0035- LRSanta Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0035- LR Santa Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0028- LRSanta Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0028- LR Santa Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0037- LRSanta Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0037- LR Santa Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0040- LRSanta Maria Novella Florence - Italy DSCF0040- LR Duomo Florence - Italy DSCF0045- LRDuomo Florence - Italy DSCF0045- LR Duomo Florence - Italy DSCF0050- LRDuomo Florence - Italy DSCF0050- LR Uffizi Florence - Italy DSCF0053- LRUffizi Florence - Italy DSCF0053- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Florence Fuji X-E1 Italy https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2023/8/florence-walkabout-2018 Mon, 28 Aug 2023 08:18:42 GMT
Heuscar, Spain https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2021/3/heuscar-spain Heuscar in Spain. Homes built into the mountains, the whiteness of the painted homes providing a deep contrast with the yellows and reds of the hills.


Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8139Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8139 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8137Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8137 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8134Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8134 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8124Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8124 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8116Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8116 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8113Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8113 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8109Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8109 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8107Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8107 Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8104Huescar Granada Spain- DSCF8104

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Heuscar Spain https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2021/3/heuscar-spain Wed, 17 Mar 2021 20:27:17 GMT
Castro Urdiales https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/castro-urdiales Early morning in Castro Urdiales, on the Bay of Biscay. Lovely little town and harbour not far from Santander and Bilbao. 

Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7863Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7863 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7864Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7864 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7871Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7871 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7876Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7876 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7884Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7884 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7894Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7894 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7901Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7901 Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7912Castro Urdiales - Spain- DSCF7912



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Castro Urdiales Fuji X-E1 Spain https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/castro-urdiales Wed, 28 Nov 2018 12:03:53 GMT
A drive to Tremalzo Pass https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/a-drive-to-tremalzo-pass  

An evening drive to the south side head of the  Tremalzo Pass in North Italy, Beyond this place you have to use an off-road capable vehicle. I suspect it is also closed off to traffic but is a popular track for mountain bikers. 

Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8920Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8920 Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8924Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8924 Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8925Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8925 Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8930Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8930 Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8936Tremalzo Pass - Italy- DSCF8936

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Italy Tremalzo Trentino https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/a-drive-to-tremalzo-pass Mon, 12 Nov 2018 12:25:40 GMT
An evening in Florence https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/an-evening-in-florence An evening in Florence, and a wonderful view from Piazzale Michelangelo.

Florence - Italy- DSCF8796Florence - Italy- DSCF8796 Florence - Italy- DSCF8817Florence - Italy- DSCF8817 Florence - Italy- DSCF8839- LRFlorence - Italy- DSCF8839- LR Florence - Italy- DSCF8844- LRFlorence - Italy- DSCF8844- LR Florence - Italy- DSCF8834- LRFlorence - Italy- DSCF8834- LR Florence - Italy- DSCF8849- LRFlorence - Italy- DSCF8849- LR Florence - Italy- DSCF8852- LRFlorence - Italy- DSCF8852- LR Florence - Italy- DSCF8865- LRFlorence - Italy- DSCF8865- LR



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Florence Italy Tuscany https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/an-evening-in-florence Wed, 07 Nov 2018 21:21:00 GMT
Driving around Pieve de Ledro - Italy https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/driving-around-pieve-de-ledro---italy  

Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8757- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8757- LR Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8768- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8768- LR Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8759- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8759- LR Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8763- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8763- LR Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8773- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8773- LR Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8781- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8781- LR Pieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8755- LRPieve de Ledro - Italy- DSCF8755- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) de Fujifilm XE-1 Italy Ledro Pieve https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/11/driving-around-pieve-de-ledro---italy Tue, 06 Nov 2018 13:49:24 GMT
Evening Walkabout in Salzburg https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/evening-walkabout-in-salzburg Beautiful city, shame we only had a couple of hours to visit.

Salzburg Austria- DSCF7447- LRSalzburg Austria- DSCF7447- LR Salzburg Austria- DSCF7450- LRSalzburg Austria- DSCF7450- LR Salzburg Austria- DSCF7462- LRSalzburg Austria- DSCF7462- LR Salzburg Austria- DSCF7474- LRSalzburg Austria- DSCF7474- LR Salzburg Austria- DSCF7484Salzburg Austria- DSCF7484 Salzburg Austria- DSCF7507- LRSalzburg Austria- DSCF7507- LR Salzburg Austria- DSCF7510- LRSalzburg Austria- DSCF7510- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) austria fuji xe-1 salzburg https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/evening-walkabout-in-salzburg Mon, 15 Jan 2018 17:16:49 GMT
Lofer, Austria https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/lofer-austria Driving around in Lofer, Austria

Lofer Area Austria- DSCF7437Lofer Area Austria- DSCF7437 Lofer Austria- DSCF7354- LRLofer Austria- DSCF7354- LR Lofer Austria- DSCF7367- LRLofer Austria- DSCF7367- LR Lofer Austria- DSCF7374Lofer Austria- DSCF7374 Lofer Austria- DSCF7378- LRLofer Austria- DSCF7378- LR Lofer Austria- DSCF7387Lofer Austria- DSCF7387 Lofer Austria- DSCF7393- LRLofer Austria- DSCF7393- LR Lofer Area Austria- DSCF7421- LRLofer Area Austria- DSCF7421- LR Lofer Area Austria- DSCF7431Lofer Area Austria- DSCF7431 Lofer Area Austria- DSCF7432- LRLofer Area Austria- DSCF7432- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) austria fuji x-e1 lofer https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/lofer-austria Mon, 08 Jan 2018 13:43:25 GMT
Konigsee https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/konigsee One of the most beautiful locations in Germany, and possibly all of Europe. Situated amongst picturesque Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, Germany. The water is amazingly clear, and the silence is something to be experienced owing to only electric or rowing boats being allowed on the lake.


Konigsee Germany- DSCF7131Konigsee Germany- DSCF7131 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7141Konigsee Germany- DSCF7141 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7146Konigsee Germany- DSCF7146 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7155Konigsee Germany- DSCF7155 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7188Konigsee Germany- DSCF7188 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7190Konigsee Germany- DSCF7190 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7200Konigsee Germany- DSCF7200 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7211Konigsee Germany- DSCF7211 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7247Konigsee Germany- DSCF7247 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7211Konigsee Germany- DSCF7211 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7214Konigsee Germany- DSCF7214 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7229Konigsee Germany- DSCF7229 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7247Konigsee Germany- DSCF7247 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7278Konigsee Germany- DSCF7278 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7289Konigsee Germany- DSCF7289 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7339Konigsee Germany- DSCF7339 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7340Konigsee Germany- DSCF7340 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7344Konigsee Germany- DSCF7344 Konigsee Germany- DSCF7350Konigsee Germany- DSCF7350


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) bavaria fuji x-e1 germany konigsee https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/konigsee Sun, 07 Jan 2018 12:54:16 GMT
Milan, October 2016 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/milan-october-2016 A few images from a trip to Milan in October 2016. As usual, the Cathedral is the centre of attraction. Milan Italy- _DSC6614_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6614_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6610_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6610_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6601_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6601_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6587_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6587_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6588_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6588_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6598_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6598_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6586_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6586_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6583_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6583_DxO- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6581- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6581- LR Milan Italy- _DSC6572_DxO- LRMilan Italy- _DSC6572_DxO- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) cathedral italy milan sony rx100 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2018/1/milan-october-2016 Wed, 03 Jan 2018 14:29:52 GMT
Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/9/alc-zar-de-los-reyes-cristianos Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, Cordoba, Spain.

Cordoba Spain- P1020664_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020664_DxO- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020683_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020683_DxO- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020687_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020687_DxO- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020739_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020739_DxO- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020765- LRCordoba Spain- P1020765- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020760_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020760_DxO- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020759_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020759_DxO- LR Cordoba Spain- P1020774_DxO- LRCordoba Spain- P1020774_DxO- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) alcázar de los reyes cristianos cordoba spain https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/9/alc-zar-de-los-reyes-cristianos Wed, 20 Sep 2017 11:08:09 GMT
Albayzín https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/9/albayz-n It is always tricky to buy tickets for Alhambra in Granada, I would recommend you book ahead based on personal experience. Albayzín, the old quarter above Alhambra is another beautiful place to explore in its stead. 

AlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020271_DxO- LRAlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020271_DxO- LR AlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020298-2_DxO- LRAlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020298-2_DxO- LR AlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020299_DxO- LRAlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020299_DxO- LR AlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020307-2_DxO- LRAlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020307-2_DxO- LR AlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020313_DxO- LRAlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020313_DxO- LR AlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020321_DxO- LRAlBayzin Granada Spain- P1020321_DxO- LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) albayzin granada spain https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/9/albayz-n Wed, 20 Sep 2017 09:34:20 GMT
A couple of days in Austria https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/5/a-couple-of-days-in-austria Austria is beautiful, in all seasons, but especially in autumn A selection of images from the Lofer area including Vorderkaserklamm Gorge and Halstatt.

Halstatt AustriaHalstatt Austria Halstatt AustriaHalstatt Austria Vorderkaserklamm GorgeVorderkaserklamm Gorge Vorderkaserklamm GorgeVorderkaserklamm Gorge Vorderkaserklamm GorgeVorderkaserklamm Gorge Vorderkaserklamm GorgeVorderkaserklamm Gorge Vorderkaserklamm GorgeVorderkaserklamm Gorge LoferLofer

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) : Austria Autumn Fuji X-E1 Gorge" Lofer Vorderkaserklamm https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/5/a-couple-of-days-in-austria Mon, 29 May 2017 10:08:07 GMT
Amsterdam Walkabout https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/5/amsterdam-walkabout An afternoon in Amsterdam.

AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/5/amsterdam-walkabout Tue, 02 May 2017 18:48:57 GMT
San Francisco and Golden Gate Bridge https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/3/san-francisco-and-golden-gate-bridge  

A drive along the harbour and through San Francisco in October 2016 during "Fleet Week".

San FranciscoSan Francisco San FranciscoSan Francisco San FranciscoSan Francisco San FranciscoSan Francisco San FranciscoSan Francisco

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Bridge Golden Gate San Francisco USA https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/3/san-francisco-and-golden-gate-bridge Mon, 20 Mar 2017 17:21:28 GMT
Dallas Forth Worth, Stockyards https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/3/dallas Stockyards, Forth WorthStockyards, Forth WorthDallas Stockyards, Forth WorthStockyards, Forth WorthDallas Stockyards, Forth WorthStockyards, Forth WorthDallas Stockyards, Forth WorthStockyards, Forth WorthDallas Stockyards, Forth WorthStockyards, Forth WorthDallas

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dallas Forth Worth USA https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2017/3/dallas Mon, 20 Mar 2017 17:05:32 GMT
Wazir Khan Mosque https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2016/4/mosque-wazir-khan One of the more beautiful mosques in Lahore.

Mosque Wazir KhanMosque Wazir Khan Mosque Wazir KhanMosque Wazir Khan Mosque Wazir KhanMosque Wazir Khan Mosque Wazir KhanMosque Wazir Khan Mosque Wazir KhanMosque Wazir Khan Mosque Wazir KhanMosque Wazir Khan

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Lahore Pakistan Wazir Khan Mosque https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2016/4/mosque-wazir-khan Tue, 26 Apr 2016 08:33:56 GMT
Lahore Fort https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/11/lahore-fort The Lahore Fort is worth visiting if you find yourself in Lahore. I studied in Lahore for many years but rarely took the time out to visit it properly. On our last visit to Pakistan we decided to take the kids to this sprawling complex to "educate" them on the history of the Mughals, their rise, and ultimate decline. A visit to this location is a poignant affair, it's a story of the "end of empire", and more so, a reflection on the glorious architectural heritage left behind by the Mughals. The area has been cleaned up recently, and has started to draw many more tourists than usual. The weather wasn't that great, fog as usual, which is a common occurrence during the winter months in the low lying Punjab. A dull sky did not lend much in the way of "classic" photography images, but it was good fun nevertheless. Lahore FortLahore Fort Alamgiri Gate - as viewed from the entrance of Badshahi Mosque - which stands opposite.  Lahore FortLahore Fort A side view of the Sheesh Mahal  - which lies behind the columns. Lahore FortLahore Fort Naulakha - built for nine hundred thousand rupees during the reign of Shah Jahan - back when even a single rupee was a lot of money. The fountains in the foreground were fed from underwater caverns sourced from the river which used to flow next to the fort. These were the private quarters of the Emperors and hence lavishly decorated. Lahore FortLahore Fort The "Sheesh Mahal", or Palace of Mirrors. Most of the work has been ravaged over time. Lahore FortLahore Fort A view of the ornate work on the walls of the living areas, or what remains of it. Lahore FortLahore Fort

Making a living in the shadows of some great art.  Lahore FortLahore Fort The "Khilwat Khana" built for the Royal Ladies of the Court - recalling times past? Lahore FortLahore Fort

Diwan e Khas  Lahore FortLahore Fort

A view from the battlements, the armoury is in the foreground, with Alamgiri Gate on the left and Badshahi Mosque in the distance.

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Lahore Lahore Fort Pakistan https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/11/lahore-fort Fri, 27 Nov 2015 00:14:11 GMT
Dharmarajika https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/11/dharmarajika  

The Dharmarajika is a large Buddhist stupa in Taxila, near Islamabad in Pakistan. It is thought that it was established by the emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE and included the relics of Budha. The stupa is also popularly called as 'Chir Tope.'The site of divided into two parts: the stupa area in the south and the monastic area in the north (Source: Wikipedia)

These images were taken one evening on a quick tour of the area last December. Pakistan is not really a safe place to travel especially in the evening. We arrived late  as the sun was already setting. Thankfully I had my tripod with me and managed to take a few quick snaps whilst the family waited patiently. The ruins are nicely preserved (by local standards, that is) and there was a guide who riddled us with information in the few short minutes he spent with us. Amusing stuff.

I had always wanted to visit the ruins, they are part of a number of similar Buddhist sites dotted around the area but we had to head back to Islamabad before it got dark. Which is a shame really.

Side note: we had lunch (a simple "truck hotel" daal roti - lentils with leavened bread) near Taxila, It was one of the best meals we had during our whole trip. 

Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila Dharmarajika, TaxilaDharmarajika, Taxila


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dharmarajika Fuji X-E1 Pakistan Taxila https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/11/dharmarajika Sun, 08 Nov 2015 14:38:17 GMT
Autumn Walks https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/10/autumn-walks Early morning walks, always the best time of the day to reflect, relax, and of course to take photographs.

Bovenkerk PolderBovenkerk Polder Bovenkerk PolderBovenkerk Polder Bovenkerk PolderBovenkerk Polder Bovenkerk PolderBovenkerk Polder

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Netherlands Sony RX100 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/10/autumn-walks Thu, 29 Oct 2015 23:39:26 GMT
Misty Morning https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/10/mistymornings Autumn is here, and so are misty mornings. These images, however, are from last year. One of the best times in the year for landscape photography.

Bos MistBos MistAmsterdamse Bos Bos MistBos MistAmsterdamse Bos Bos MistBos MistAmsterdamse Bos Bos MistBos MistAmsterdamse Bos

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Mist Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/10/mistymornings Sun, 18 Oct 2015 10:41:30 GMT
Quarry https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/10/quarry This other worldly place is all that remains of what used to be a mountain range near Sargodha in Pakistan. The demand for crushed stone has led to huge mountains being dug up. Over time, rainfall has resulted in the formation of deep crater lakes, calm, serene, and dangerous if you were to slip and fall into the deep pools. Just to give you an idea of scale, the large column in the middle image rises nearly 40 metres high from the surface.

Chak 46 Sargodha QuarryChak 46 Sargodha Quarry Chak 46 Sargodha QuarryChak 46 Sargodha Quarry Chak 46 Sargodha QuarryChak 46 Sargodha Quarry Chak 46 Sargodha QuarryChak 46 Sargodha Quarry Chak 46 Sargodha QuarryChak 46 Sargodha Quarry


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Pakistan Quarry Sony RX100 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/10/quarry Mon, 12 Oct 2015 14:21:46 GMT
Akersloot, North Holland https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/9/akersloot  

Akersloot, near Alkmaar in North Holland.

AkerslootAkerslootNetherlands AkerslootAkerslootNetherlands AkerslootAkerslootNetherlands AkerslootAkerslootNetherlands AkerslootAkerslootNetherlands

(all images with the Fuji X-E1, X lenses, and Lee Seven5 Grad Filters)

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Akersloot Fuji X-E1 Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/9/akersloot Tue, 15 Sep 2015 12:37:11 GMT
Burg Eltz, Germany https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/8/burg-eltz-germany A beautiful, medieval castle, nestled in a lush valley of the River Moselle River.

Burg Eltz, GermanyBurg Eltz, Germany Burg Eltz, GermanyBurg Eltz, Germany Burg Eltz, GermanyBurg Eltz, Germany Burg Eltz, GermanyBurg Eltz, Germany Burg Eltz, GermanyBurg Eltz, Germany Burg Eltz, GermanyBurg Eltz, Germany

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Burg Eltz Fuji X-E1 Germany https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/8/burg-eltz-germany Mon, 17 Aug 2015 08:16:24 GMT
Burgers Zoo, Arnhem https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/7/burgers-zoo-arnhem Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, Netherlands. A day out with the kids (not shown!).

Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem Burgers Zoo, ArnhemBurgers Zoo, Arnhem

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Burgers Zoo', Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/7/burgers-zoo-arnhem Wed, 08 Jul 2015 09:56:30 GMT
An Afternoon in Zeil, Frankfurt https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/2/an-afternoon-in-zeil Zeil is one of the more popular shopping streets in Frankfurt Am Main. A long pedestrianised street that runs parallel to some of the more famous landmarks including the old city, you can easily spend a long day either browsing the displays or spending till the credit card limit runs out. 

Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt Zeil, FrankfurtZeil, Frankfurt

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Frankfurt Germany https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2015/2/an-afternoon-in-zeil Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:23:44 GMT
Destination - North Italy https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/12/destination---north-italy PisaPisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa FlorenceFlorence

Basilica Santa Croce, Florence PaduaPadua

Basilica of Saint Anthony, Padua


Artwork, Padua


Val de Gardena, Dolomites

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dolomites Florence Fuji X-E1 Italy Padua Pisa Treviso https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/12/destination---north-italy Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:50:42 GMT
Rain and Shine in Venice https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/rain-and-shine-in-venice Back in Venice again! This time with the parents and girls, sans better half and the youngest. Storms hit the archipelago as we arrived at St. Marks Square. Fortunately the belting rain cleared and the skies opened up after just 30 minutes. In a short while the Basilica had flooded and visitors had to enter via temporary boardwalks.. It is always such a pleasure to visit this wonderful city. 

Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Italy Venice https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/rain-and-shine-in-venice Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:37:32 GMT
Fishermen's Memorial https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/fishermens-memorial Urk is a lovely and active fishing village in the Netherlands but like every fishing village it too has more than it's fair share of tragedies. The statue here is to commemorate those who did not return from their fishing trips. Known as the "Urker VissersMemorial" in Dutch, it shows a woman looking out to see waiting for her loved one(s) to return. Very poignant indeed. On the side walls are shields bearing the names of those who did not return. The names also remind us that fishing was a family business with many having the same surname. The lighthouse is another iconic part of this place.

UrkUrkNetherlands UrkUrkNetherlands UrkUrkNetherlands

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Netherlands Urk https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/fishermens-memorial Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:15:30 GMT
Photokina 2014, a mini report https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/photokina-2014-a-mini-report I can say I was there, although I tried my best not to be. I had heard about Photokina a few years ago when I adopted photography in earnest and thought about making the trip from Amsterdam in 2012 but never got around to it. This year I was quite keen to attend. The photography sites I usually haunt  mentioned that it's not as great in terms of product releases and announcements as it used to be. So naturally I was a bit hesitant to make the trip just to see a load of camera gear. I paid for the tickets online in advance but kept wondering whether it was worth it. Finally, on the last day of the event I pushed myself free from my lethargy and drove down to Cologne, The nice thing is that Cologne is only a couple of hours away from Amsterdam so it was an easy trip to make. 
In short, I arrived as pretty much everyone was leaving - it was about 4 PM in the afternoon! I only had a short time to visit some of the exhibitors - mainly Nikon, Zeiss, and Leica. It's a huge exhibition with hundreds of exhibitors. I felt depressed as I entered the Exhibition Centre as it dawned on me that I should have made the trip earlier. One full day can barely do this event justice, you need at least a couple of days. The models had packed up when I arrived, the Birds of Prey were conducting their final fly pasts, exhibitors were packing up, and I was one of the last visitors to leave. The event is a must see, not just because of the gear, but also owing to the exhibitions which I found very interesting, It is so nice to see images printed large. The other nice element is that there is no pressure to sell and you can try everything from expensive cameras to lenses and everything in-between. It was also amusing to see so many people taking images of â€¦ cameras and lenses, perhaps they were all reviewers - who isn't nowadays?
2016 - the dates are already in the diary!

Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014 Photokina Cologne 2014Photokina Cologne 2014

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Photokina https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/photokina-2014-a-mini-report Wed, 12 Nov 2014 09:22:06 GMT
Val di Gardena https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/val-di-gardena A morning spent driving around the Val di Gardena and Sasso Lungo passes in the Dolomites. Lovely weather, and it seemed I had the whole area to myself, with barely anyone else around. There were some mini landslides on the road and it impressive to note that the Italian Road Agency was already on site clearing the snow off the road. Images were taken with a combination of the Fuji X-E1 (18-55mm) and the Panasonic G3 (9-18mm lens).

Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy

Panasonic Lumix G3, Olympus 9-18mm f/4 - 5.6

Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy Fuji X-E1, Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-4.0 Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy

Panasonic Lumix G3, Olympus 9-18mm f/4 - 5.6 Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy

Panasonic Lumix G3, Olympus 9-18mm f/4 - 5.6

Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy

Fuji X-E1, Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-4.0

Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy

"The Ride"
Fuji X-E1, Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-4.0

Val di GardenaVal di GardenaDolomites, Italy

Fuji X-E1, Fujinon 18-55mm f/2.8-4.0

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dolomites Italy Val di Gardena https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/11/val-di-gardena Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:01:16 GMT
Memories of Spring https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/memories-of-spring I was only able to visit the Tulip fields in and around Lisse twice this year. A combination of poor weather, work commitments and lethargy kept me away. A shame really as it is quite magical, especially when the weather cooperates. 

Lisse Flower FieldsLisse Flower Fields Lisse Flower FieldsLisse Flower Fields Lisse Flower FieldsLisse Flower Fields Lisse Flower FieldsLisse Flower Fields Lisse Flower FieldsLisse Flower Fields

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Netherlands Tulips https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/memories-of-spring Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:01:26 GMT
Keukenhof - Spring Past https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/keukenhof---spring-past We usually visit Keukenhof in the Netherlands at least a couple of times annually. This year we only managed to visit once, even though I had bought a "season pass". These are from a brief afternoon trip to the famous gardens in North Holland. They even had a "funky chicken" on display this year. I thought I would post these images as Autumn sets in and the days grow colder.

Keukenhof 2014Keukenhof 2014 Keukenhof 2014Keukenhof 2014 Keukenhof 2014Keukenhof 2014 Keukenhof 2014Keukenhof 2014 Keukenhof 2014Keukenhof 2014

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Keukenhof Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/keukenhof---spring-past Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:00:58 GMT
Demonstrating at Downing Street https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/demonstrating-at-downing-street Whitehall is a magnet for protestors and demonstrations. Where better to make your voice heard than at the heart of the political establishment. I love the joke about the visiting Russian in the second image (see pink placard on the floor).

Demonstration at Downing StreetDemonstration at Downing Street Demonstration at Downing StreetDemonstration at Downing Street Demonstration at Downing StreetDemonstration at Downing Street Demonstration at Downing StreetDemonstration at Downing Street

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Demonstration Downing Fuji X-E1 Russia Sri Lanka Street Ukraine Whitehall https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/demonstrating-at-downing-street Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:59:59 GMT
Palace of Westminster https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/palace-of-westminster  

A walkabout on the North and South Embankments of the Thames around the Palace of Westminster in London. Tony Benn, a much loved Member of Parliament had passed away a few days earlier. There were tributes and flowers left in a small designated area in Parliament Square. Unsure of the name of the MP responding to reporters questions … send me an email if you have a clue.

Palace of WestminsterPalace of Westminster Palace of WestminsterPalace of Westminster Palace of WestminsterPalace of Westminster London EyeLondon Eye Palace of WestminsterPalace of Westminster

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Benn London Palace Parilament Tony Westminster https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/10/palace-of-westminster Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:01:14 GMT
Bruges https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/9/bruges  

Finally managed to spend some time in this beautiful city. We usually bypass it at least once a month travelling from Amsterdam to London. Classic view, done many times, but still one to have in the personal repertoire.

Brugge BelgiumBrugge Belgium Brugge BelgiumBrugge Belgium Brugge BelgiumBrugge Belgium Brugge BelgiumBrugge Belgium Brugge BelgiumBrugge Belgium Brugge BelgiumBrugge Belgium

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Belfry Belgium Bell Bruges Brugge Church Lady Tower https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/9/bruges Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:52:15 GMT
Dungeness https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/9/dungeness The beach, abandoned boats, fishing nets, and the new lighthouse at Dungeness, in Kent, South East England. 

DungenessDungenessKent, England DungenessDungenessKent, England DungenessDungenessKent, England DungenessDungenessKent, England DungenessDungenessKent, England DungenessDungenessKent, England DungenessDungenessKent, England

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dungeness Fuji Kent Kingdom United XE-1 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/9/dungeness Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:13:57 GMT
London Embankment https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/5/london-embankment Evening stroll on the Thames Embankment

London EmbankmentLondon Embankment London EmbankmentLondon Embankment London EmbankmentLondon Embankment London EmbankmentLondon Embankment London EmbankmentLondon Embankment London EmbankmentLondon Embankment

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Embankment Fuji X-E1 London Thames https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/5/london-embankment Thu, 22 May 2014 12:06:54 GMT
Seven Sisters, South Downs National Park https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/2/seven-sisters-south-downs-national-park A walk on the South Downs, on a very windy and blustery day. It was a long walk up from the Seaford Golf Club parking lot but well worth it.

Seven SistersSeven SistersEast Sussex Seven SistersSeven SistersEast Sussex Seven SistersSeven SistersEast Sussex

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) East Nikon D700 Seven Sisters Sussex in https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/2/seven-sisters-south-downs-national-park Tue, 18 Feb 2014 15:57:33 GMT
Lancashire Morning https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/lancashire From a weekend trip to the Lake District in England, We stayed near Cockerham in Lancashire which was well worth it. I usually bypass this area on the way to the Lakes but enjoyed it thoroughly. The images below are from an early morning walk and drive around Snape Fell.

CockerhamCockerhamLancashire CockerhamCockerhamLancashire CockerhamCockerhamLancashire CockerhamCockerhamLancashire


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) England Fuji X-Pro1 Lancashire Thurnham Hall UK https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/lancashire Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:05:01 GMT
St Andrew, Alfriston https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/alfriston-church St Andrew's Church is the parish church of Alfriston, East Sussex, England. This Grade I listed building was built in the 1370s and is also known as the 'Cathedral of the Downs'. It sits on a small, flint-walled mound, indicating that it was the site of a pre-Christian place of worship. It is located in the middle of the local village green and overlooks  River Cuckmere. source

Alfriston ChurchAlfriston Church Alfriston ChurchAlfriston Church Alfriston ChurchAlfriston Church

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Alfriston England Fuji X-Pro1 St Andrew https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/alfriston-church Thu, 23 Jan 2014 22:53:27 GMT
St Pauls Cathedral from the South Bank https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/st-pauls-cathedral-from-the-south-bank Return trip to the South Bank to capture St Paul's Cathedral.

St Pauls Cathedral from South BankSt Pauls Cathedral from South Bank

St Pauls Cathedral

St Pauls Cathedral from South BankSt Pauls Cathedral from South Bank

Across Millennium Bridge

St Pauls Cathedral from South BankSt Pauls Cathedral from South Bank

Admiring the view

St Pauls Cathedral from South BankSt Pauls Cathedral from South Bank

Capturing the Cathedral

St Pauls Cathedral from South BankSt Pauls Cathedral from South Bank

Moving on to more interesting things ….

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 London St Pauls Cathedral https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/st-pauls-cathedral-from-the-south-bank Fri, 17 Jan 2014 14:36:44 GMT
Amsterdam Light Festival https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/amsterdam-light-festival Held every year in Amsterdam, the Light Festival is a visual treat. These images were captured on a walk along the Amstel Canal in Central Amsterdam. I got there late so missed the blue hour and am planning to visit again.

Amsterdam Light FestivalAmsterdam Light Festival Amsterdam Light FestivalAmsterdam Light Festival Amsterdam Light FestivalAmsterdam Light Festival Amsterdam Light FestivalAmsterdam Light Festival Amsterdam Light FestivalAmsterdam Light Festival

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Fuji X-E1 Light Festival https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/amsterdam-light-festival Mon, 13 Jan 2014 00:54:38 GMT
Amstel Mist https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/amstel-mist A misty evening on the Amstel Canal near Ouderkerk Aan de Amstel which is on the borders of Amsterdam. First of hopefully many evenings out doing long exposure photography with the Fuji X-E1. 

Amstel DijkAmstel Dijk Amstel DijkAmstel Dijk Amstel DijkAmstel Dijk

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Fuji X-E1 Netherlands Ouderkerk aan de Amstel https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/amstel-mist Mon, 13 Jan 2014 00:14:13 GMT
Flooding in the Lake District https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/lake-district-flooding We spent a weekend in the Lakes after Christmas. One of those days turned out to be quite wet with significant localised flooding owing to the storms in the UK. These images are from the Buttermere area in the Northern Lakes, not far from Keswick.

Lake District FloodsLake District Floods Lake District FloodsLake District Floods Lake District FloodsLake District Floods Lake District FloodsLake District Floods Lake District FloodsLake District Floods Lake District FloodsLake District Floods

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Floods Lake District Storm UK https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/lake-district-flooding Wed, 08 Jan 2014 18:34:40 GMT
Amsterdam Central Station https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/amsterdam-central-station Blue hour in the Amsterdam Central Station area.

AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam AmsterdamAmsterdam

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Panasonic G3 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2014/1/amsterdam-central-station Wed, 08 Jan 2014 12:58:54 GMT
Volendam Evening Stroll https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/volendam-evening An evening walk along the harbour in Volendam, a popular tourist destination in the Netherlands. 

VolendamVolendam VolendamVolendam VolendamVolendam VolendamVolendam VolendamVolendam

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Holland Netherlands RX100 Sony Volendam https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/volendam-evening Sun, 22 Dec 2013 11:40:55 GMT
When things go wrong ... https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/when-things-go-wrong I had always wanted to photography this iconic London location. Whilst on a recent trip to the UK, I decided to make a beeline for the South Bank after the conference I was attending finished early. I had already packed my cameras, tripods (yes, multiple), batteries charged etc, etc.

The sun had already set when I arrived (tip: Parking in London is expensive, park in the Royal National Theatre in the evening for relatively cheap and secure parking). I grabbled my camera bag and tripod only to realise that the release plate on my small travel tripod was missing. I had been out the day before at the London Eye and Palace of Westminster and must have left it on the "other" camera. Oh dear. Thankfully I had my heavier tripod with me (though was in no mood to carry it) so I picked it up wearily and started making my way across the South London Embankment. Literally ran to the Millennium Bridge, opened up my tripod, took out my camera and voila; there was the release plate for the smaller tripod. No harm done. Yet. Once I set my camera on the tripod I noticed something was wrong, the tripod head was loose! And I needed an Allen key to tighten the top. I doubt visitors to St Pauls' Cathedral, or even the City of London for that matter, had heard so many profanities prior to that day.

I hoped for the best, and tried to capture a few images but the tripod head was too loose and wobbled continuously. Pedestrian traffic did not help either. My best attempt of what could have been a lovely evening out is before. The second one below is hand held - my consolation picture.

The moral of the story, plan, recheck, and double check .. everything!.  And thanks to the photographer who loaned me his Allen key after 30 minutes of begging every cyclist and photographer I could locate. But by that time, the blue hour was over, and darkness had descended over the Thames.

St Pauls CathedralSt Pauls CathedralLondon, England St Pauls CathedralSt Pauls CathedralLondon, England

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) London Millenium Bridge Panasonic G3 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/when-things-go-wrong Sat, 21 Dec 2013 01:09:23 GMT
Marken Stormy Night https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/marken-stormy-night Marken harbour and homes as the storm swept in over the Netherlands.

Marken Stormy NightMarken Stormy NightNetherlands Marken Stormy NightMarken Stormy NightNetherlands Marken Stormy NightMarken Stormy NightNetherlands Marken Stormy NightMarken Stormy NightNetherlands  

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Fuji X-E1 Marken Netherland https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/marken-stormy-night Mon, 16 Dec 2013 13:04:09 GMT
Winkworth Arboretum https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/winkworth-arboretum  

A few hours in Winkworth Arboretum on an overcast and wet day. 

Winkworth ArboretumWinkworth ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Winkworth ArboretumWinkworth ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Winkworth ArboretumWinkworth ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Winkworth ArboretumWinkworth ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Winkworth ArboretumWinkworth ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Arboretum Winkworth https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/12/winkworth-arboretum Thu, 05 Dec 2013 14:10:06 GMT
Lake District https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/lake-district A day trip to the Northern Lakes in England.

Lake DistrictLake DistrictAhmad Photography Lake DistrictLake DistrictAhmad Photography Lake DistrictLake DistrictAhmad Photography Lake DistrictLake DistrictAhmad Photography Lake DistrictLake DistrictAhmad Photography Lake DistrictLake DistrictAhmad Photography

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) England G3 Keswick Lake District Panasonic UK https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/lake-district Sat, 23 Nov 2013 17:53:55 GMT
Westonbirt Arboretum https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/westonbirt-arboretum  

A wet and rainy day at Westonbirt Arboretum. The last image is of a sculpture commemorating one of the oldest living trees - a small leaved lime believed to be nearly 2000 years old - which is nearby (and being crowded by the visitors) and has been coppiced. 

Westonbirt ArboretumWestonbirt ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Westonbirt ArboretumWestonbirt ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Westonbirt ArboretumWestonbirt ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom Westonbirt ArboretumWestonbirt ArboretumEngland, United Kingdom

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Arboretum England G3 Panasonic UK Westonbirt https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/westonbirt-arboretum Wed, 20 Nov 2013 00:40:57 GMT
2,000 kilometres, 36 hours, 1 peak https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/One_Peak A quick trip to capture the Matterhorn - round trip from Amsterdam to Zermatt (Switzerland) - in less than 36 hours. 

Matterhorn Terminal Taisch Switzerland - _DSC3575_DxO- LRMatterhorn Terminal Taisch Switzerland - _DSC3575_DxO- LR
The train from Tasch to Zermatt, there are no cars allowed in Zermatt, apparently to ensure a clean view of the Matterhorn.

Matterhorn Gornergart Switzerland - _DSC3608_DxO- LRMatterhorn Gornergart Switzerland - _DSC3608_DxO- LR
The Matterhorn
Matterhorn Gornergart Switzerland - _DSC3615_DxO- LRMatterhorn Gornergart Switzerland - _DSC3615_DxO- LR
Gornergrat Bahn - altitude sickness kicks in (for me anyway) at 3100 metres. 
Matterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040497_DxO- LRMatterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040497_DxO- LR
The walk down
Matterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040511_DxOMatterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040511_DxO
Swiss Carins, with the Matterhorn summit just visible above the clouds
Matterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040540_DxOMatterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040540_DxO
Single file to Riffelsee
Matterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040607_DxOMatterhorn Gornergrat Bahn Switzerland - _1040607_DxO
Clouds surround the summit, with Riffelsee in the foreground.
Matterhorn Terminal Zermatt Switzerland - _DSC3643_DxO- LRMatterhorn Terminal Zermatt Switzerland - _DSC3643_DxO- LR
The train back to Tasch, the waiting car, and the long drive back to Amsterdam.


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 9-18 G3 Gornergrat Matterhorn Olympus Panasonic Switzerland https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/One_Peak Tue, 12 Nov 2013 22:48:27 GMT
Amsterdam https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/amsterdam An evening in Amsterdam. Trying out my new Olympus 9 - 18mm m43 lens.

Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam Walkabout Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam Walkabout Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam Walkabout

Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam Walkabout Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam Walkabout Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam Walkabout

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 9-18 Amsterdam Blue Dusk G3 Holland Hour Netherlands Olympus Panasonic https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/amsterdam Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:14:10 GMT
World Living Statues Festival https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/world-statues-festival-arnhem The World Living Statues Festival has been held for a number of years in Arnhem in the Netherlands. A wonderful day out for kids and adults alike, some of the "statues" need to be seen to be believed, There were approximately 200 participants on the day, unfortunately we only managed to view a small proportion. Already in the diary for next year. More information and galleries at http://www.worldstatues.nl

World Statues FestivalWorld Statues FestivalArnhem World Statues FestivalWorld Statues FestivalArnhem World Statues FestivalWorld Statues FestivalArnhem World Statues FestivalWorld Statues FestivalArnhem World Statues FestivalWorld Statues FestivalArnhem World Statues FestivalWorld Statues FestivalArnhem

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Arnhem Festival G3 Living Netherlands Panasonic Statues World https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/11/world-statues-festival-arnhem Wed, 06 Nov 2013 11:42:10 GMT
Flora Holland https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/10/flora-holland Flora Holland, the world's largest flower auction in Aalsmeer, Netherlands.

Flora HollandFlora Holland Flora HollandFlora Holland Flora HollandFlora Holland Flora HollandFlora Holland Flora HollandFlora Holland Flora HollandFlora Holland



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Aalsmeer Flora G3 Holland Netherlands Panasonic https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/10/flora-holland Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:42:24 GMT
Haarlem https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/10/haarlem Haarlem, in North Holland, Netherlands

Haarlem - Netherlands - _DSC1989_DxO-LRHaarlem - Netherlands - _DSC1989_DxO-LR

Cat and Bridge, walking towards the central square

Haarlem - Netherlands - _DSC2039_DxO-LRHaarlem - Netherlands - _DSC2039_DxO-LR

Windmill de Adriaan, on the river Spaarme

Haarlem - Netherlands - _DSC1998_DxO-LRHaarlem - Netherlands - _DSC1998_DxO-LR

A view of the Grote Kerk or Large Church

Haarlem - Netherlands - _DSC2004_DxO-LRHaarlem - Netherlands - _DSC2004_DxO-LR

Grote Kerk and Grote Markt (square)

Haarlem - Netherlands - _DSC2043_DxO-LRHaarlem - Netherlands - _DSC2043_DxO-LR One of the old warehouses on the river 

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Haarlem Netherlands RX100 Sony https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/10/haarlem Sun, 06 Oct 2013 13:16:01 GMT
Venice - Part Two https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/10/venice---part-two Venice, at dusk.

VeniceVeniceItaly VeniceVeniceItaly VeniceVeniceItaly VeniceVeniceItaly VeniceVeniceItaly

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Blue Dusk Gondola Hour Italy Venice https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/10/venice---part-two Wed, 02 Oct 2013 16:51:54 GMT
Venice - Part One https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/9/venice---part-one Images from a trip to the beautiful city of Venice in Italy. Would have loved to spend more time capturing photographs, but this was a family holiday after all. 


The Grand Canal


San Giorgio Maggiore


One of the side canals walking towards Piazza San Marco


The ubiquitous mask


Pont di Rialto


The Gondolier


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Europe Gondola Italy Venice https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/9/venice---part-one Fri, 27 Sep 2013 15:32:32 GMT
Apple Orchards https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/9/italian-apple-orchards Apple Orchards in the Italian Alps near the town of Brez.

Apple OrchardsApple Orchards Apple OrchardsApple Orchards Apple OrchardsApple Orchards Apple OrchardsApple Orchards Apple OrchardsApple Orchards


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Alps Apple Bloom Dolomites Italy Orchards RX100 Sony https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/9/italian-apple-orchards Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:08:15 GMT
Dolomites https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/9/dolomites  

The Italian Dolomites

Italian DolomitesVal di Funes - Italy - _1030673_DxO-LR

Italian DolomitesVal di Funes - Italy - _1030687_DxO-LR Italian DolomitesCastelrotto - Italy - _1030742_DxO-LR Italian DolomitesVal di Funes - Italy - _1030714_DxO-LR Italian DolomitesSasso Lungo - Italy - _1030895_DxO-LR Italian DolomitesVal di Funes - Italy- _DSC2248_DxO- LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Alps Dolomites G3 Italy Panasonic https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/9/dolomites Fri, 06 Sep 2013 15:31:29 GMT
Residenz https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/8/residenz  

Yes, that is spelt correctly. The Residenz, a wonderful palace in the Baroque city of Wurzburg, Germany.

Residenz, WürzburgWurzburg - Germany - _DSC1663_DxO-LR

Residenz, WürzburgWurzburg - Germany - _DSC1667_DxO-LR

Residenz, WürzburgWurzburg - Germany - _DSC1700_DxO-LR Residenz, WürzburgWurzburg - Germany - DSCF0999_DxO-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Bishop Chapel Germany Palace Prince Residenz Würzburg https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/8/residenz Fri, 16 Aug 2013 10:05:33 GMT
Studland Beach https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/7/studland-beach  

Three from one location at Studland Beach, Old Harry's Rocks, in Dorset. Some long exposure photography with the Nikon 


Studland BeachStudland Beach, Old Harrys Rocks Studland BeachStudland Beach, Old Harrys Rocks Studland BeachStudland Beach, Old Harrys Rocks

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Beach Dorset England Harrys Rocks Studland UK https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/7/studland-beach Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:19:05 GMT
Corfe and Castle, Dorset https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/corfe-and-castle-dorset  

In and around Corfe and the famous Castle, in Dorset. Shame the National Trust closed the site at 15:30 on this lovely afternoon. 

The first image is with a Fuji X100, and the remainder three with a Sony RX100. Don't ask why I was carrying both with me ....


CorfeCorfe Castle - England - DSCF0509_DxO-LR-CS5


CorfeCorfe Castle - England - _DSC1597_DxO-CS5


CorfeCorfe Castle - England - _DSC1593_DxO-CS5


CorfeCorfe Castle - England - _DSC1584_DxO-CS5


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Castle Corfe Dorset England RX100 X100 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/corfe-and-castle-dorset Thu, 25 Apr 2013 13:37:53 GMT
Monochrome https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/monochrome Early morning walkabout in Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen. A wonderful crisp day in February. The snow and hoar frost had rendered the whole forest in shades of black and white (with a tint of blue ..)


Monocrhome SnowAmstelveen - Netherlands - _DSC1395_DxO-LR-CS5 Monocrhome SnowAmstelveen - Netherlands - _DSC1435_DxO-LR-CS5 Monocrhome SnowAmstelveen - Netherlands - _DSC1449_DxO-LR-CS5 Monocrhome SnowAmstelveen - Netherlands - _DSC1458_DxO-LR-CS5


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Amsterdamse Bos Monochrome Netherlands RX100 Sony https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/monochrome Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:03:20 GMT
Frankfurt Old Town https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/frankfurt-old-town  

A weekend trip to Frankfurt am Main, Germany, a quite pleasing blend of new and old. Wonderful skyline with many buildings going up in the new part of town. Will have to visit again to capture them in the blue hour. The old town - Romerberg - is also quite interesting though the whole place was dug up owing to roadworks. 

Fuji X100.


Frankfurt am MainDSCF0832_DxO-CS5

Frankfurt Cathedral (Dom)

Frankfurt am MainDSCF0877_DxO-CS5

Frankfurt Love Bridge - complete with colourful padlocks.

Frankfurt am MainDSCF0892_DxO-CS5

A view of the River Main from the 'Love Bridge'

Frankfurt am MainDSCF0906_DxO-CS5

A view of the new buildings near the central station from Romerberg or the old town.

Frankfurt am MainDSCF0917_DxO-CS5


Frankfurt am MainDSCF0925_DxO-CS5

The tourist train, hop on and off to enjoy dinner and a tour of Frankfurt.

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Bridge Frankfurt Germany Locks Love Main Romer am https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/frankfurt-old-town Tue, 02 Apr 2013 12:54:29 GMT
Central London Walkabout https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/central-london-walkabout  

An evening stroll in London on a recent trip. Having lived nearly twenty years in the City, I barely explored the streets of London, even less so from a photographers perspective. 


London WalkaboutLondon - England - DSCF0563_DxO-LR-CS5

London WalkaboutLondon - England - DSCF0600_DxO-LR-CS5

London WalkaboutLondon - England - DSCF0608_DxO-LR-CS5 London WalkaboutLondon - England - DSCF0609_DxO-LR-CS5 London WalkaboutLondon - England - DSCF0632_DxO-LR-CS5

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) England Evening Fuji London Stroll Walk X100 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/4/central-london-walkabout Mon, 01 Apr 2013 00:12:24 GMT
De Poel, Amstelveen https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/3/de-poel-amstelveen  

Ice Skating on 'De Poel' a freshwater lake in Amstelveen, Netherlands. The cold weather allowed for some enjoyable ice skating on the frozen lake.

De Poel Ice SkatingDe Poel Ice Skating Amstelveen - Netherlands - _1030481_DxO De Poel Ice SkatingDe Poel Ice Skating Amstelveen - Netherlands - _1030405_DxO De Poel Ice SkatingDe Poel Ice Skating Amstelveen - Netherlands - _1030401_DxO De Poel Ice SkatingDe Poel Ice Skating Amstelveen - Netherlands - _1030383_DxO De Poel Ice SkatingDe Poel Ice Skating Amstelveen - Netherlands - _1030313_DxO

(Panasonic G3, 25mm 1.4, 45mm 1.8)

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amstelveen De G3 Holland Ice Netherlands Panasonic Poel Skating https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/3/de-poel-amstelveen Tue, 19 Mar 2013 00:37:08 GMT
Museumplein Ski Resort https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/3/museumplein-ski-resort  

Well, the Dutch are ingenious if nothing else, downhill sledging and snow boarding on the roof of a supermarket in the Museumplein, Central Amsterdam.

Sony RX100


MuseumpleinAmsterdam - Netherlands - _DSC0840_DxO-LR


MuseumpleinAmsterdam - Netherlands - _DSC0851_DxO-LR


MuseumpleinAmsterdam - Netherlands - _DSC0843_DxO-LR MuseumpleinAmsterdam - Netherlands - _DSC0824_DxO-LR



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Blizzard Museumplein Snow Sport Winter https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/3/museumplein-ski-resort Sat, 09 Mar 2013 00:24:29 GMT
Leidseplein, Amsterdam https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/2/leidseplein-amsterdam  

A snowy evening in and around the Leidseplein area in Amsterdam.

Panasonic G3, Leica 25mm 1.4


Leidseplein, AmsterdamLeidseplein

Holland Casino Passage Way


Leidseplein, AmsterdamLeidseplein

Blue Boat Company and MOMO


Leidseplein, AmsterdamLeidseplein

Fiets (Bike) and Hard Rock Cafe


Leidseplein, AmsterdamLeidseplein

Cleaning the streets


Leidseplein, AmsterdamLeidseplein



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam G3 Leica Leidseplein Panasonic https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/2/leidseplein-amsterdam Thu, 14 Feb 2013 15:11:47 GMT
Amsterdam Central Station https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/2/amsterdam-central-station  

Short evening stroll around Amsterdam Central Station. The whole area is undergoing a major multi-billion regeneration  and is finally coming together after years of work. Fuxi X100.


Amsterdam Central StationAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0286_DxO-CS5 Amsterdam Central StationAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0300_DxO8-CS5 Amsterdam Central StationAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0322_DxO-CS5 Amsterdam Central StationAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0326_DxO-CS5 Amsterdam Central StationAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0375_DxO-CS5


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Central Fuji Holland Station X100 netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/2/amsterdam-central-station Sun, 10 Feb 2013 13:34:10 GMT
The Morning After https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/2/the-morning-after  

The morning after the snowfall from the day before. Sony RX100 on a morning walk. 


Morning AfterAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0731_DxO-LR-CS5-LR Morning AfterAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0727_DxO-LR-CS5-LR Morning AfterAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0724_DxO-LR-CS5-LR Morning AfterAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0687_DxO-LR-CS5-LR Morning AfterAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0674_DxO-LR-CS5-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) amstelveen holland netherlands rx100 snow sony winter https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/2/the-morning-after Wed, 06 Feb 2013 03:06:00 GMT
Polder White out https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/polder-white-out  

Walkabout on Bovenkerk Polder in Amstelveen near our home. It is quite convenient carrying the Sony RX100 rather than a larger camera for this type of photography. The white background is a result of the snow coming down hard. A polder is reclaimed (marshy) land in Dutch.



Polder WhiteoutAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0605_DxO

Reservoir Ducks


Polder WhiteoutAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0609_DxO

Out for a walk


Polder WhiteoutAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0614_DxO

My favourite (and most photographed) barn - with occupants


Polder WhiteoutAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - _DSC0621_DxO

The ride home


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amstelveen Bovenkerk Netherlands Polder RX100 Snow Sony https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/polder-white-out Thu, 31 Jan 2013 13:57:45 GMT
Durgerdam, Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/durgerdam-netherlands Early morning (for me anyway) in Durgerdam, north of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  Captured with the Sony RX100. The intention was to capture long exposures with a 10 stop ND filter. However the smaller camera also saw it's fair amount of use. 

DurgerdamDurgerdam - Netherlands - _DSC0439_DxO-LR-CS5

DurgerdamDurgerdam - Netherlands - _DSC0470_DxO-LR-CS5 DurgerdamDurgerdam - Netherlands - _DSC0478_DxO-LR-CS5 DurgerdamDurgerdam - Netherlands - _DSC0482_DxO-LR-CS5



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Durgerdam Netherlands RX100 Sony https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/durgerdam-netherlands Wed, 30 Jan 2013 10:07:28 GMT
Amsterdam Walkabout https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/amsterdam-walkabout-with-the-fuji-x100 Evening stroll in Amsterdam with the Fujifilm X100. 


Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0025-LR-CS5

Cashing up

Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0056-LR-CS5

De Waag, the old gate and weighing house.

Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0103_DxO-CS5

Doelen Hotel, lit up during Amsterdam Light Festival.

Amsterdam WalkaboutAmsterdam - Netherlands - DSCF0169_DxO-CS5

Bloemenmarkt ignored.





[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Bloemenmarkt Fujifilm Holland Netherlands Nieuwmarkt Waag Walkabout X100 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/amsterdam-walkabout-with-the-fuji-x100 Tue, 29 Jan 2013 11:01:39 GMT
Vondelpark Blizzard https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/vondelpark-blizzard  

Vondelpark, in the centre of Amsterdam, as the snow fell last week. 

VondelparkAmsterdam Snow - Netherlands - _1030165_DxO-LR VondelparkAmsterdam Snow - Netherlands - _1030097_DxO-LR VondelparkAmsterdam Snow - Netherlands - _1030117_DxO-LR VondelparkAmsterdam Snow - Netherlands - _1030155_DxO-LR VondelparkAmsterdam Snow - Netherlands - _1030110_DxO-LR VondelparkAmsterdam Snow - Netherlands - _1030129_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amsterdam Blizzard G3 Panasonic Vondelpark snow https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/vondelpark-blizzard Sun, 27 Jan 2013 21:00:31 GMT
Ajax Football Club Stadium - Amsterdam Arena https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/ajax-football-club-stadium---amsterdam-arena  

The Ajax Football Club stadium in Amsterdam. Views of the surrounding area known as Amsterdam Arena which houses shops and businesses including many of the well known Dutch financial institutions. And of course the world famous football club!

All captured with the Sony RX100, handheld. 

Amsterdam ArenaAmsterdam Arena - Netherlands - _DSC0393_DxO Amsterdam ArenaAmsterdam Arena - Netherlands - _DSC0395_DxO Amsterdam ArenaAmsterdam Arena - Netherlands - _DSC0397_DxO Amsterdam ArenaAmsterdam Arena - Netherlands - _DSC0400_DxO


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Ajax Amsterdam Arena Club Football ING Netherlands Perry Prenatal Sport rx100 sony https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/ajax-football-club-stadium---amsterdam-arena Wed, 23 Jan 2013 15:50:35 GMT
Cologne Cathedral https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/cologne-cathedral Cologne Cathedral, or 'Kohlner Dom' in Cologne is one of the largest Cathedrals in Germany and one of the most visited tourist attractions. It is quite an imposing site. These are more 'holiday snaps' on a recent trip.


Cologne CathedralCologne - Germany - _DSC0259_DxO

Cologne CathedralCologne Dom - Germany - _1030056_DxO-LR Cologne CathedralCologne Dom - Germany - _1030055_DxO-LR Cologne CathedralCologne Dom - Germany - _1030049_DxO-LR Cologne CathedralCologne - Germany - _DSC0310_DxO Cologne CathedralCologne - Germany - _DSC0316


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Cathedral Catholic Cologne Germany Symbol https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/cologne-cathedral Wed, 23 Jan 2013 15:37:53 GMT
Bosbaan, Rowing Practise https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/bosbaan-rowing-practise  

Rowing practise in the Bosbaan, Amsterdamse Bos. Bosbaan is the oldest artificial rowing course in the world. It is 2.2 km in length.

A sequence of images from preparation to rowing off. You can see the trainer and 'time keeper' standing on the mooring and giving instructions. The trainer will follow the rowers along the cycle path that runs parallel to the rowing lake and use a megaphone to instruct and motivate the teams. It can be loud.


Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing

Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing


Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing


Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing

Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing

Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing Bosbaan Rowing PractiseAmsterdamse Bos Rowing


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amstelveen Amsterdam Bosbaan Practise Rowing https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/bosbaan-rowing-practise Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:26:42 GMT
Bokeh Fun https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/bokeh-fun  

 Bokeh Fun


Bokeh FunWassennar - Netherlands - _MFA5665_DxO-LR

Nikon D700, Nikkor 85mm 1.8 AF D


Bokeh FunWassennar - Netherlands - _MFA5664_DxO-LR

Nikon D700, Nikkor 85mm 1.8 AF D


Bokeh FunWassennar - Netherlands - _MFA5678_DxO-LR

Nikon D700, Nikkor 50mm 1.8 AF D


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 1.8 50 85 Bokeh D700 Depth Field Focus Nikon Out https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/bokeh-fun Wed, 16 Jan 2013 22:36:10 GMT
Streets of London https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/streets-of-london Christmas shopping on Oxford and Regent Street, London


Streets of LondonOxford Street - London - DSC00031_DxO

Streets of LondonOxford Street - London - DSC00029_DxO

Streets of LondonLondon - England - _MFA5737_DxO-LR Streets of LondonLondon - England - _MFA5734_DxO-LR Streets of LondonLondon - England - _MFA5731_DxO-LR Streets of LondonLondon - England - _MFA5701_DxO-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Christmas D700 Decorations London RX100 Shopping Streets https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/streets-of-london Tue, 15 Jan 2013 15:30:01 GMT
First snow https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/first-snow  

These are  from last year (how time flies). First snow in Amstelveen Netherlands for the Winter 2012 season.  Images from a local walk about.


First SnowAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - P1020312_DxO-LR


First SnowAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - P1020313_DxO-LR


First SnowAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - P1020315_DxO-LR


First SnowAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - P1020319_DxO-LR


First SnowAmstelveen Snow - Netherlands - P1020322_DxO-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 2012 Amstelveen First Netherlands Winter ice season snow winter https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/first-snow Thu, 10 Jan 2013 13:06:31 GMT
New Year Resolution https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/new-year-resolution New Year Resolution ... make more long exposures during the day!

First images from 2013, 1st of January, from Muiden in Netherlands.


Muiderslot, MuidenMuiderslot Muiden - Netherlands - _MFA5878_DxO-LR-Edit


Muiderslot, MuidenMuiderslot Muiden - Netherlands - _MFA5880_DxO-LR-Edit


MuidenMuiderslot Muiden - Netherlands - _MFA5887_DxO-LR-Edit


MuidenMuiderslot Muiden - Netherlands - _MFA5897_DxO-LR-Edit


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Exposure Long Muiden Muiderslot Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/new-year-resolution Mon, 07 Jan 2013 00:47:21 GMT
RN4 Jazz Quartet https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/rn4-jazz-quartet RN4 Jazz Quartet

Performance in Place d'Armes, Luxembourg City


RN4 Jazz QuartetLuxembourg City - Luxembourg - _1020111_DxO-CS5BW



RN4 Jazz QuartetLuxembourg City - Luxembourg - _1020109_DxO-CS5BW



RN4 Jazz QuartetLuxembourg City - Luxembourg - _1020112_DxO-CS5BW


RN4 Jazz QuartetLuxembourg City - Luxembourg - _1020115_DxO-CS5BW


RN4 Jazz Quartet - Luxembourg City

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Armee City Jazz Luxembourg Place Quartet RN4 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/rn4-jazz-quartet Fri, 04 Jan 2013 15:24:38 GMT
Happy New Year https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/happy-new-year  

Wishing everyone a wonderful and safe 2013.


The view from our window in Amsterdam, the Dutch do like their fireworks and this is a sample of the two hour display conducted by our immediate neighbours.


Fireworks Netherland


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 2013 Happy New Year https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2013/1/happy-new-year Tue, 01 Jan 2013 08:33:09 GMT
Chateau Chambord https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/chateau-chambord  

Chateau Chambord, Loire Valley, France
Pretty impressive, especially considering it was built as a hunting lodge!


Chateau ChambordChateau Chambord Loire Valley - France - _MFA4554_DxO-LR-CS5


Chateau ChambordChateau Chambord Loire Valley - France - _MFA4559_DxO-LR-CS5 Chateau ChambordChateau Chambord Loire Valley - France - _MFA4563_DxO-LR


Chateau ChambordChateau Chambord Loire Valley - France - _MFA4685_DxO-LR-CS5


Chateau ChambordChateau Chambord Loire Valley - France - _MFA4692_DxO-LR-CS5


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Castle Chambord Chateau France French Hunting Kings Lodge Loire Valley https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/chateau-chambord Mon, 31 Dec 2012 13:34:18 GMT
Château de Chenonceau https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/chateau-de-chenonceau  

One of the more impressive manor homes in the Loire Valley, France. 



ChenonceauChateau Chenonceau Loire Valley - France - _MFA4365_DxO-LR-CS5

Château de Chenonceau


ChenonceauChateau Chenonceau Loire Valley - France - _MFA4287_DxO-LR

River Cher - as viewed from one of the rooms in the Chateau


ChenonceauChateau Chenonceau Loire Valley - France - _MFA4290_DxO-LR

Royal Reception Room


ChenonceauChateau Chenonceau Loire Valley - France - _MFA4300_DxO-LR

Servants Dining Area


ChenonceauChateau Chenonceau Loire Valley - France - _MFA4346_DxO-LR

The bedchamber of Louise of Lorraine, Queen Consort to Henry III of France.


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Chenonceau Cher Château France Loire Lorraine Louise Royal Valley de https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/chateau-de-chenonceau Fri, 28 Dec 2012 11:43:13 GMT
Rouen, France https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/rouen-france  

RouenRouen - France - _1010850_DxO-LR

Old Timber Frame Houses


RouenRouen - France - _1010851_DxO-LR

Church of St. Ouen


RouenRouen - France - _1010869_DxO-LR

Dinner time

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Arc Cathedral France Joan Rouen https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/rouen-france Wed, 26 Dec 2012 01:46:42 GMT
Floriade 2012 https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/floriade-2012 Held once a decade, or 'decennial', Floriade is a horticultural show and exposition held in the Netherlands. In 2012, the show was held in Venlo in the east of the country. Almere is the host country in 2022.

Floriade 2012Floriade 2012 Venlo - Netherlands - _MFA4141_DxO


Floriade 2012Floriade 2012 Venlo - Netherlands - _MFA4170_DxO


Floriade 2012Floriade 2012 Venlo - Netherlands - _MFA4176_DxO


Floriade 2012Floriade 2012 Venlo - Netherlands - _MFA4198_DxO-CS5


Floriade 2012Floriade 2012 Venlo - Netherlands - _MFA4237_DxO


Floriade 2012Floriade 2012 Venlo - Netherlands - _MFA4242_DxO


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 2012 Almere Floriade Netherlands Venlo https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/floriade-2012 Thu, 20 Dec 2012 01:21:25 GMT
Frozen Markermeer https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/frozen-markermeer  

A selection if images from Markermeer last winter. The whole of the 'meer' (or lake) was frozen including the area around the famous ligth house in Marken known as 'Paard van Marken' or ' Horse of Marken'.



Frozen MarkermeerMarken- Netherlands - _MFA2098_DxO-LR

Paard van Marken



Frozen MarkermeerMarkermeer - Netherlands - _MFA2029_DxO-LR

Frozen reed beds (the tide freezing on the stalks)



Frozen MarkermeerMarkermeer - Netherlands - _MFA2044_DxO-LR

A frozen lake, the shore on the other side is about 8 kilometres away.



Frozen MarkermeerMarken- Netherlands - _MFA2131_DxO-LR

View of the light house from Marken dyke


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Holland Marken Markermeer Netherlands Paard almere blue cold dusk frozen hour house lake light sea van winter https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/frozen-markermeer Sat, 15 Dec 2012 18:36:04 GMT
A Walk in the Woods https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/a-walk-in-the-woods  

Autumn is the best time for photography, the light is soft, the colours vibrant, and the atmosphere creatively liberating. The best time to spend an afternoon taking photographs.These images offer a small selection from 'fall' this year, all in the Netherlands, more specifically, in Amsterdamse Bos in the Netherlands.


AutumnAmsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _1020348_DxO-LR

Panasonic G3, Panasonic Leica 25mm 1.4


AutumnWalk in Amsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _MFA5276_DxO Stump
Nikon D700, Voigtlander 58mm 1.4 SLII


AutumnWalk in Amsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _MFA5245_DxO Photographer in focus
Nikon D700, Voigtlander 58mm 1.4 SLII


Autumn Walk in Amsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _MFA5263_DxO Sun burst
Nikon D700, Nikkor 20mm 2.8

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) amsterdam autumn fall holland in leica m43 netherlands nikon the voigtlander walk woods https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/a-walk-in-the-woods Wed, 12 Dec 2012 00:02:24 GMT
A Message of Peace https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/a-message-of-peace  

A Message of Peace

Historic Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih at European Parliament, Brussels.


On 4 December 2012, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and Fifth Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered an historic keynote address at the European Parliament in Brussels to a packed audience of more than 350 guests representing 30 countries. The event was hosted by the newly launched ‘European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group’, whose Chair and Vice-Chairs all took to the stage to welcome Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Martin Schulz MEP and President of the European Parliament also came to meet with His Holiness. 


You can view the full press release http://www.alislam.org/egazette/press-release/khalifa-of-islam-makes-historic-address-at-european-parliament/


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020626_DxO

The view from the podium


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020646_DxO

Seating arrangements


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020655_DxO

A Message of Peace backdrop behind the speakers


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020670_DxO

Audio arrangements, provided courtesy of MTA International and MTA United Kingdom


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020676_DxO

Background to the event - Mr Rafiq Hayat, National President Ahmadiyya Muslim Association United Kingdom

(Dr Charles Tannock MEP seated to the right of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih, Charles Tannock was hosting the event).


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020683_DxO

Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V to the gathered guests


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020696_DxO

Address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V 


Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020707_DxO

Silent prayers being led by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V 



Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020713_DxO
An interview with Nigel Farage MEP and Father Eric 

Address European ParliamentA Message of Peace - European Parliament - - _1020640_DxO - PanoCS5

A panoramic view of the audience from the stage


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Address Ahnmad Belgium Brussels European Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Masroor Mirza Parliament V https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/a-message-of-peace Fri, 07 Dec 2012 15:36:56 GMT
Scheveningen Surfing https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/scheveningen-surfing  

Surf's up in Scheveningen, Den Haag.

One of the more popular destinations for wind surfing and wind kites in the Netherlands


Scheveningen SurfingScheveningen - Netherlands - _1010675_DxO-LR



Scheveningen SurfingScheveningen - Netherlands - _1010674_DxO-LR



Scheveningen SurfingScheveningen - Netherlands - _1010669_DxO-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Den Haag Hague Holland Netherlands Scheveningen Surfing https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/12/scheveningen-surfing Sat, 01 Dec 2012 12:51:25 GMT
Windmill Reflections https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/misty-dutch-morning Windmill on a misty morning in Netherlands, near Amsterdam


Dutch Misty MorningKaag Polder Misty Morning - Netherlands - _MFA7903_DxO-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dorp Kaag Misty Morning Netherlands Polder Windmill https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/misty-dutch-morning Thu, 29 Nov 2012 01:24:09 GMT
Allgau in Fall https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/allgau-in-fall
Fall in Fischen, Allgau



Fischen FallOberstdorf - Germany - _MFA8926_DxO-LR

Fischen FallOberstdorf - Germany - _MFA8923_DxO-LR

Fischen FallOberstdorf - Germany - _MFA8919_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Deutsche Germany allgau autumn fall fischen oberstdorf https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/allgau-in-fall Sun, 18 Nov 2012 12:03:58 GMT
Lest We Forget https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/lest-we-forget  

Remembrance Day

11 - Stitch Panorama


PoppiesPoppy Fields - Spain - MFA_4685_DxO_CS5Pano-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) forget lest remembrance sacrifice sunday we https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/lest-we-forget Sat, 10 Nov 2012 17:58:50 GMT
Alpine Valley https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/swiss-alps  

Just another valley in the Swiss Alps



Swiss AlpsBernese Oberland - Switzerland - _1010346_DxO-LR_CS5


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) alpine alps g3 panasonic swiss switzerland valley https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/swiss-alps Mon, 05 Nov 2012 20:00:01 GMT
The Final Problem https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/the-final-problem  

Reichenbach Falls, Switzerland

Last resting place of Sherlock Homes prior to re-incarnation by popular demand.


Reichenbach FallsReichenbach Falls- Switzerland - _MFA3092_DxO-LR

Reichenbach FallsReichenbach Falls- Switzerland - _MFA3093_DxO-LR

Reichenbach FallsReichenbach Falls- Switzerland - _MFA3156_DxO-LR


Reichenbach FallsReichenbach Falls- Switzerland - _MFA3173_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Conan Doyle Fall Final Holmes Moriarty Problem Reichenbach Sherlock Switzerland Watson https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/11/the-final-problem Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:58:27 GMT
Bern https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/bern  

Berne, Switzerland, at dusk.


BernBern - Switzerland - _MFA3070_DxO-LR

BernBern - Switzerland - _MFA3059_DxO-LR


BernBern - Switzerland - _MFA3054_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Architecture Bern Berne Blue Canton Dusk Exposure Hour Long River Swiss Switzerland https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/bern Wed, 31 Oct 2012 20:20:19 GMT
Lauterbrunnen and Bernese Oberland https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/lauterbrunnen  

Lauterbrunnen, and Bernese Oberland Switzerland


There are 72 waterfalls in the Lauterbrunnen Valley, the most famous being the Staubbach Falls. Plunging almost 300 metres from an overhanging rock face, they are one of the highest free-falling waterfalls in Europe. 


LauterbrunnenLauterbrunnen - Switzerland - _1010265_DxO-LR

LauterbrunnenLauterbrunnen - Switzerland - _1010263_DxO-LR

Swiss CottageBernese Oberland - Switzerland - _1010235_DxO-LR

Swiss MeadowsBernese Oberland - Switzerland - _1010224_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Bernese Lauterbrunnen Oberland Staubbach Switzerland barn cold dairy europe highest meadow swiss valley waterfall wood https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/lauterbrunnen Mon, 29 Oct 2012 09:36:33 GMT
Spring Remembered https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/spring-remembered As autumn sets in, I thought it might be time to celebrate spring past.

Taken in and around the Lisse area in Holland, Netherlands.

Panasonic G3, Leica DG Summilux 25mm f/1.4 


Spring in LisseNoordwijkerhout Flower Fields - Netherlands - _1000990_DxO-LR

Spring in LisseNoordwijkerhout Flower Fields - Netherlands - _1010003_DxO-LR

TitanicNoordwijkerhout Flower Fields - Netherlands - _1010020_DxO-LR

Spring in LisseLisse Flower Fields - Netherlands - _1010048_DxO-LR

Spring in LisseLisse Flower Fields - Netherlands - _1010067_DxO-LR



[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dutch Fields Flowers Holland Hyacinth Leica Netherlands Panasonic Spring Tulips https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/spring-remembered Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:24:04 GMT
Cologne Christmas Market https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/cologne-christmas-market  

Christmas Market held adjacent to the Cathedral in Cologne. One of the more famous markets in Germany known as "Weihnachtsmarkt am Kölner Dom" in German. 


Cologne Christmas Market 1Cologne Kerst Fair - Germany - _MFA0338_DxO-LR

Cologne Christmas Market 2Cologne Kerst Fair - Germany - _MFA0345_DxO-LR

Cologne Christmas Market 3Cologne Kerst Fair - Germany - _MFA0348_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Christmas cathedral cologne dom germany market https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/cologne-christmas-market Mon, 22 Oct 2012 13:11:11 GMT
Amstelveen, Netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/amstelveen-netherlands  




horseolderHorses BovenKerkerPolder Amstelveen - Netherlands - P1020118_DxO-LR

Morning Mist

morningmistAmsteldijk Amstelveen - Netherlands - P1020127_DxO-LR


[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Amstelveen Netherlands Polder https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/amstelveen-netherlands Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:04:37 GMT
Moss https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/moss Shallow depth of field explored using the Voigtlander 58mm 1.4 SLII on a Nikon D700


Moss covered fallen tree trunk in Amsterdamse Bos, Netherlands


Moss1Moss and Trees - Netherlands - _MFA2774_DxO

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) 58mm Voigtlander depth field green moss of tree https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/moss Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:49:38 GMT
Congo Protest https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/congo-protest  

Images from a protest held last year in London (near Charing Cross Station). Protest was in response to the violence in the region and the re-election of incumbent President Laurent Kabilla to the office of the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

My first foray into photo-journalism. 


CongoProtest1Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0463_DxO-LR


CongoProtest2Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0466_DxO-LR

CongoProtest3Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0471_DxO-LR

CongoProtest4Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0472_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Children Congo Democratic Kabilla Killings Laurent London President Protest Republic of the https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/congo-protest Mon, 15 Oct 2012 15:30:27 GMT
Still Life https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/still-life Initial experiments with the B+W ND10 10-Stop filter. Unfortunately I only used it a few times before dropping and shattering the glass atop Piz Gloria in the Swiss Alps. I was capturing images of the Eiger. Another victim of this treacherous mountain. 

Amsterdamse Bos - Amstelveen - Netherlands.

Amsterdamse Bos IAmsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _MFA1360_DxO-LR

Amsterdamse Bos IIAmsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _MFA1363_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Holland amstelveen b+w d700 daylight daytime exposure long netherlands nikon water https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/still-life Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:28:38 GMT
De Bosbaan https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/de-bosbaan  

De Bosbaan.

Blue hour capture of the restaurant facing the rowing lake in Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen, Netherlands.


deBosbaanBosBaan Amsterdamse Bos - Netherlands - _MFA1188_DxO-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Dutch Life Holland amstelveen amsterdamse bos bosbaan netherlands https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/de-bosbaan Mon, 08 Oct 2012 23:38:26 GMT
Muiderslot Castle https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/muiderslot-castle  

Famous Dutch castle in Muiden near Amsterdam


Muiderslot1Muiderslot - Netherlands - P1030313-LR

[email protected] (Ahmad Photography) Castle Dutch Life G3 Holland Muiden Muiderslot Netherlands Panasonic https://www.ahmadphotography.com/blog/2012/10/muiderslot-castle Mon, 08 Oct 2012 08:34:59 GMT