Congo Protest

October 15, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Images from a protest held last year in London (near Charing Cross Station). Protest was in response to the violence in the region and the re-election of incumbent President Laurent Kabilla to the office of the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

My first foray into photo-journalism. 


CongoProtest1Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0463_DxO-LR


CongoProtest2Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0466_DxO-LR

CongoProtest3Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0471_DxO-LR

CongoProtest4Congo Protest - London UK - London - UK - _MFA0472_DxO-LR


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